Donations & Sponsorships

Donations & Sponsorships

Proudly Supporting the Community

The focus of GLOCK’s philanthropic work is to use firearm safety education to make the communities we call home better and safer.

We support efforts to create programs that help to educate and reduce the levels of violence in our society, which is a fundamental part of a gun owner's lifestyle.

Tell Us About Your Event

We understand there are a countless number of organizations that are doing good for their communities. If you would like to be considered to receive promotional GLOCK merchandise to support your event, complete the Donations and Sponsorship form.

U.S. Headquarters

6000 Highlands Parkway SE
Smyrna, GA 30082
Phone: 770-432-1202
FAX: 770-433-8719

For further information on GLOCK pistols, please contact your local GLOCK stocking dealer.

Customer Service

To receive additional product and parts information, delivery schedules, information about your order, or other shipping information please contact:
Phone: 770-432-1202
FAX: 770-433-8719

For Canadian Customer Service: